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By kind permission of the Rector, Revd. Stephen Crofts, you are invited to join us for a rehearsal and performance of Stainer’s Crucifixion on Palm Sunday, 2nd April 2023.

Tenor: Patrick Bayford    Baritone : Duncan Lord

Organist: Brian Thorne   Conductor:Michael Foad

The plan of the day is as follows – all in St Martin’s Church, Horn Street

3.00p.m. -5.00p.m. Chorus Rehearsal

At 5p.m., we shall have a break in the church; tea/coffee available. Bring a ‘nosebag’ if you wish.

6.00p.m. Performance Dress “informal” ie not DJ’S etc.

This performance is being given in support of the Pilgrims Hospices so please do invite all your friends to come to the performance.

We need to know ho is taking part, so if you would like to sing in this performance send an e-mail to jennybayford@yahoo.co.uk with your name, voice ie. S.A.T.B. and whether you are bringing your own copy.

For those not on-line, ring Jenny or Patrick on 01303 271509 and if it goes to voicemail leave your name and number plus voice part and whether you are bringing your own copy.

Please do this no later than Wednesday 29th March.

There will be several copies for hire but bring your own if possible. There is no charge for taking part, however there will be a Retiring Collection.

Enquiries email mfoad@talktalk.net